Charging station information Charging pile information

Registration conditions of charging pile installation service company (community charging pile installation service company)

Addtime:2022-03-02 15:41:57 | Clicknum:

What conditions do you need to set up a charging pile for external business?

The following materials shall be submitted to apply for charging pile:

1. Customer identification materials.

2. Identification information of the handler and power of attorney (not required for the user's own handling).

3. Property ownership certificate of power consumption address; For projects that occupy public places in the community, such as the parking lot in the community, the consent for the construction of charging infrastructure issued by the owner's committee or the property shall also be provided. If the user only rents a parking space, the consent materials of the parking space owner shall be provided at the same time.

4. For example, in social public places, such as roadsides, the planning and construction and other supporting materials and permission materials of relevant government departments are required.

5. Other materials expressly required by the power supply regulatory authority.

With the above information ready, you can apply for installation through the "China Southern Power Grid 95598" public platform, China Southern Power Grid unified service platform and 95598 power supply service hotline.

As the electric vehicle charging pile (plug) on the power distribution side of the power grid, the particularity of its structure determines that the automatic communication system is characterized by many and scattered measured points, wide coverage and short communication distance. Moreover, with the development of the city, the network topology requires a flexible and scalable structure. Therefore, the following problems should be considered in the selection of communication mode of electric vehicle charging pile (plug):

(1) Reliability of communication - the communication system should withstand the test of harsh environment and strong electromagnetic interference or noise interference for a long time, and keep the communication smooth.

(2) Construction cost - on the premise of meeting the reliability, comprehensively consider the construction cost and long-term use and maintenance cost.

(3) Two way communication - it can not only upload the amount of information, but also release the amount of control.

(4) Multi service data transmission rate - with the continuous growth of terminal traffic in the future, the communication from master station to sub station and from sub station to terminal requires higher and higher data transmission rate to realize multi service.

(5) Flexibility and expansibility of communication - as the charging pile (plug) has the characteristics of many, wide and decentralized control points, it is required to adopt standard communication protocol. With the development of "allip" network technology trend and the continuous growth of power operation business, IP based service bearing needs to be considered, and it is required to be convenient for installation, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance.


How to register a new energy vehicle charging pile installation company?

Go to the head office of some new energy vehicle charging pile installation companies, and then when you have these conditions, you can register a new energy vehicle charging pile installation company. 1. Submit application and review materials. The applicant shall submit an application for loading by telegram to the regional power supply department with the registration form, identity certificate (ID card or unit organization code card), on-site environmental photos of the parking space and parking space certification materials. The power supply department, together with the applicant users and the main construction body, will go to the site to investigate the feasibility of power consumption and construction and determine the construction scheme. The power supply department shall issue the reply opinions on the power consumption scheme within 7 working days and stamp on the registration form.

Conditions for installing charging piles

Several basic conditions:

1. Have proper power supply;

2. There is a suitable charging parking space;

3. There are professional installation personnel.


What qualifications are required for the sales and installation of smartphone charging service stations

1. After signing the purchase intention agreement with the automobile manufacturer or 4S store, the user shall go through the confirmation procedures of vehicle purchase and charging conditions. At this time, the materials to be provided include:

1) Car purchase intention agreement;

2) Identification of the applicant;

3) Certificate of fixed parking space property right or use right;

4) Application for the installation of electric vehicle charging equipment in the parking space (the property agrees with the seal);

5) Parking space (garage) plan (or site environment photos).

2. After accepting the user's application, the automobile manufacturer or 4S store shall, after verifying the authenticity and integrity of the user's data, go to the site with the power supply company to investigate the feasibility of power consumption and construction at the agreed survey time.

3. The power supply company is responsible for confirming the power supply conditions of users and completing the preparation of the preliminary feasibility scheme for power consumption of self use charging facilities.

4. The automobile manufacturer or 4S store is responsible for confirming the construction feasibility of charging facilities and Issuing the confirmation of vehicle purchase and charging conditions of new energy passenger cars together with the power supply company within 7 working days.

2、 Electric vehicle charging pile installation step 2: Power Supply Scheme Application

After the user formally signs the car purchase contract, he / she can apply for loading by telegram to the marketing department (customer service center) of the local power supply company by himself / herself or entrust the automobile manufacturer or 4S store. The marketing department (customer service center) of the power supply company shall officially reply to the power supply scheme within 7 working days. The user shall go through the confirmation procedures at the marketing department (customer service center) of the power supply company within the validity period.

3、 Electric vehicle charging pile installation step 3: installation and construction

After the user formally obtains the confirmation of the power supply scheme, the automobile manufacturer or 4S store shall organize the construction of charging facilities. The type selection of charging pile equipment shall meet the relevant national requirements, but the charging facilities construction enterprises selected by different automobile enterprises will be different. The construction of charging facilities excluding civil works shall be completed within 3 working days.

4、 Electric vehicle charging pile installation step 4: acceptance application

After the construction of charging facilities is completed, the user shall submit an acceptance application to the marketing department (customer service center) of the local power supply company. After the project passes the inspection and completes the relevant procedures (signing the power supply and consumption contract), the power supply company shall complete the meter installation and power connection within 5 working days. In the whole process, the power company does not charge any fee.

The automobile manufacturer or 4S store shall formally deliver the vehicle to the user after the user signs the power supply contract of charging facilities.

Note: if the user entrusts the installation of the charging pile to the 4S store to negotiate with the power company, the user does not need to pay the cost of pulling the wire, but if the user comes forward or receives the household electricity and the property electricity in the community, the user needs to pay the cost of wire installation.

If the charging pile is damaged during use, you can consult the automobile manufacturer or 4S store for after-sales service.

At present, charging piles are presented one-on-one with the car, so users don't need to ask for extra fees. Some automobile manufacturers or 4S stores have corresponding preferential services. Of course, they can also buy and install them themselves. Many brands related to electric vehicle charging piles in the market recommend easyt's electric vehicle charging piles, or Guodian Nari and so on, There are also many charging pile brands worth considering.

In addition, the charging pile also enjoys the warranty for 3 years. If the user has problems in communication with the property during the application for installation, the user only needs to provide the contact information of the property and prepare some supporting materials.

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